Counselor and client discussing the difference between mat and moud

What’s the Difference Between MAT and MOUD?

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) programs have become popular for treating opioid use disorder. What’s the difference between MAT and MOUD? MAT programs involve medications, counseling, and behavioral therapies to treat substance use disorders. In contrast, medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) refer to using medication as a stand-alone treatment. Understanding these concepts and their differences is…

Could smiling and embracing one another on a sunny day after finding out how to repair relationships after addiction

How to Repair Relationships After Addiction

Addiction and recovery can often take a toll on relationships. The overwhelming emotions, irregular behavior, dishonesty, and neglect can leave long-lasting scars. However, it is never too late to start mending those relationships and start anew. Relationship repair counseling, psychotherapy, and support groups can assist in developing strategies to repair damaged relationships. Insight Into Action…

Counselor and patient discussing dual diagnosis therapy topics

5 Dual Diagnosis Therapy Topics for Mental Health

Dual diagnosis is a specialized treatment that addresses individuals struggling with substance use disorders and mental health conditions. The presence of both conditions can make it extremely challenging for individuals to receive appropriate treatment and sustain long-term recovery. Fortunately, learning about dual diagnosis therapy topics can help you find the right care to promote your…