While 28% of the population struggles with an alcohol use disorder, only 6% meets severe criteria and may need to quit drinking. This is what’s commonly thought of as alcoholism. But most treatment facility programs are designed as if all drinkers were. Thus, nearly 90% of treatment facilities expect complete abstinence from alcohol. We are not one of them. Instead, Insight Into Action Therapy‘s alcohol addiction treatment center evaluates each individual to figure out the course of action best suited to their needs. We can help you determine if you can continue drinking and give you the tools to implement an Alcohol Moderation Plan. Doing so allows individuals to assert control over their habits while maintaining a healthy relationship with a substance that can all too easily be abused.

group in hug circle at alcohol addiction treatment program vaHow Alcohol Moderation Can Help

Most people will avoid getting help for their alcohol use or alcohol use disorder for fear of being labeled an alcoholic. They fear being forced into treatment, made to attend 12-Step meetings, and ordered to stop drinking completely. But while an individual may abuse alcohol, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are addicted. At Insight Into Action Therapy, we challenge the assumption that alcohol abuse equals alcohol addiction. Instead, we strive to teach clients how to have a healthier relationship with alcohol. Using easy-to-follow tools, checklists, and quizzes, our counseling guides you through the process of implementing an alcohol moderation plan. This is what sets our alcohol addiction treatment center apart from other facilities and programs.

Our staff of experienced, expert counselors and therapists are well versed in all the current treatments available for alcohol moderation. Insight’s co-founder, Cyndi Turner, is the author of Practicing Alcohol Moderation, The Clinician’s Guide to Alcohol Moderation, and Can I Keep Drinking? How You Can Decide When Enough is Enough. These are all scholarly works offering practical methods and techniques for using alcohol moderation. We guide clients and their families through the process of learning, using, and mastering alcohol moderation tools. For many individuals, alcohol abuse comes in the form of overdrinking or what many may call binge drinking. This is a form of alcohol use disorder. However, this kind of misuse doesn’t necessarily mean the individual has developed a dependency upon alcohol, that is, addiction. Rather, it implies an inability or ignorance of how to manage their drinking. In conjunction with various therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or mindfulness meditation, clients struggling with alcohol use come to our alcohol addiction treatment center and discover practical and pragmatic ways to overcome their issues.

Importance of an Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center

Whether you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol use disorder, finding help at our alcohol addiction treatment center is vital to maintaining health. No matter the degree of alcohol abuse, it has severe effects on the body. For instance, individuals regularly abusing alcohol may experience gastrointestinal issues and ulcers, vitamin deficiency and even malnutrition, and cardiovascular issues.

Alcohol abuse can cause gastritis (stomach lining inflammation), heartburn, ulcers, and acid reflux. Gastrointestinal issues lead to problems absorbing nutrients as well as decreases in appetite. Also, alcohol abuse puts a strain on an individual’s major organs like the liver and heart. Binge drinking especially increases an individual’s risk of stroke. Thus, it’s vital individuals struggling with regulating their drinking find appropriate help.

Take our Alcohol Moderation Assessment

Your score reflects your likelihood of being able to successfully practice alcohol moderation. If you scored more than 3 points, you may have a substance use disorder. It is strongly advised that you reach out to a professional for help.

< 0 Points:  Good chance of practicing alcohol moderation

1-5 Points: Fair chance of successful moderation

6-10 Points: Poor chance of practicing alcohol moderation

>11 Points: Unlikely to be able to successfully moderate alcohol use

Your answers are not saved and do not get sent to anyone.

Do I have more than two drinks a day for men/one for women?

Has my alcohol use been increasing?

When I drink do I have a hard time stopping?

Do I have any medical issues?

Am I taking any medication?

Have there been repeated consequences from my alcohol use?

Have I experienced trauma or have a PTSD diagnosis?

Am using alcohol to change my mood?

Has my alcohol use negatively affected my loved ones?

Do I have any mental health concerns?

Do I use any other non-prescribed mood altering substances?

Do I have any legal, probationary, or work issues?

Was I raised in a heavy drinking environment?

Have I had withdrawals from drinking?

Do I have elevated liver enzymes?

Have I experienced blackouts?

Was my first drink before age 15?

Will I review my alcohol use with my support system?

Do I have alcohol-free outlets or hobbies?

Am I willing to go through a period of abstinence?



*All information provided is confidential

Insight Into Action Therapy

Many people struggle with alcohol use disorder. However, there’s no shame in seeking out help. Here at Insight Into Action Therapy, our alcohol addiction treatment center supports those looking to develop an alcohol moderation plan. But we also can help those who need more intensive help to overcome alcohol addiction. Through our professional attention, you can gain control and overcome your issues with alcohol. At the same time, through our couples and family counseling, we can help everyone impacted by alcohol use disorder how to be supportive and proactive in addressing the issue.

Insight Into Action Therapy also maintains a network of referral resources, including detox, intensive outpatient programs, sober living, and residential facilities, to provide the best results. Also, we provide the following therapies and treatments:

Thus, no matter your needs, our team of experts can get you or a loved one the treatment necessary to heal and grow. So reach out today at 703.935.8544 and explore the services we provide.