How You Can Decide When Enough is Enough

/Only about 6% of the population can be classified as alcoholic, yet most treatment facility programs are designed as if all drinkers were. Nearly 90% of treatment facilities expect complete abstinence from alcohol.

We are not one of them.

Founders Cyndi Turner and Craig James have spent years training clinicians across the globe on Alcohol Moderation, benefitting from a myriad of different perspectives as well as clinical expertise. At Insight Into Action Therapy, we can help you determine if you can continue drinking, and give you the tools to implement an Alcohol Moderation Plan.

/Practicing Alcohol Moderation is designed to be used by clients of behavioral health care providers who have utilized The Clinician’s Guide to Alcohol Moderation. This groundbreaking workbook can be used on its own or in conjunction with therapy, and additionally as a resource for family members whose loved ones are struggling with alcohol. It gives transparent, easy-to-follow, research-based explanations with questionnaires, checklists, quizzes, and worksheets. Each chapter begins with a brief overview and is interspersed with exercises and client experiences, combining research-based information with practical self-assessments, tools, and questions to answer to practice alcohol moderation. You can take the Alcohol Moderation Assessment to determine your likelihood of success in practicing alcohol moderation. The book provides the resources to create a personalized Alcohol Moderation Plan and suggests ways to manage its success for clinicians and general audiences alike.

/The Clinician’s Guide to Alcohol Moderation examines alcohol use around the world and teaches a range of behavioral health care providers how to practice alcohol moderation with their clients.

Excavating the current treatments available for alcohol moderation, the book offers step-by-step processes of engaging clients and their families, self-assessments, and alcohol moderation tools. In addition to using it in conjunction with Practicing Alcohol Moderation: A Comprehensive Workbook, the readers would benefit from completing the Alcohol Moderation Assessment which predicts who may be able to successfully drink in moderation and developing and monitoring an Alcohol Moderation Plan. The text uses recognized alcohol moderation resources throughout the world as well as real-life case studies to address typical clinician, client, and family member questions. It challenges the traditional recommendation that drinkers experiencing problems are “alcoholics.”

This guide is a resource for all who overdrink or know people who struggle with their alcohol use. Through its medium, a broad range of health care providers receive a step-by-step process on how to practice alcohol moderation, how to put tools into practice, case examples, and answers to the most commonly asked questions.

/Can I Keep Drinking? How You Can Decide When Enough is Enough” was written for the 90+ million people who struggle with alcohol in the United States. Most people will avoid getting help for fear of being labeled an “alcoholic”, forced into treatment, made to attend 12-Step meetings, and ordered to stop drinking completely. We challenge these beliefs and teach you how to have a healthier relationship with alcohol.

As if you were sitting in our office, you receive easy-to-follow tools, checklists and quizzes to guide you through the process of answering the question, “Can I Keep Drinking?” Included throughout the book are the first-person accounts of people just like you and their struggles with alcohol.

The Alcohol Moderation Assessment offers you positive and negative predictors for whether you are a candidate for Alcohol Moderation and prepares you to develop and implement your own Alcohol Moderation Plan. Take the assessment and use the tools to regain balance in your life.


“Drinking alcohol is like eating donuts. Having one or two occasionally is not going to hurt you, but having several a day will eventually lead to serious consequences.

–Cyndi Turner


Take our Alcohol Moderation Assessment

Co-Founder Cyndi Turner developed the Alcohol Moderation Assessment to help people answer the question: Can I keep drinking? There is over 50 years of research that found that the majority of the drinkers experiencing problems can learn how to enjoy alcohol with reduced consequences. Take the self-assessment to see if you would be a good candidate to try alcohol moderation. Your results can help you decide if learning some tools could be beneficial in changing your relationship with alcohol or if abstinence might be a better choice for you.

Your score reflects your likelihood of being able to successfully practice alcohol moderation. If you scored more than 3 points, you may have a substance use disorder. It is strongly advised that you reach out to a professional for help.

< 0 Points:  Good chance of practicing alcohol moderation

1-5 Points: Fair chance of successful moderation

6-10 Points: Poor chance of practicing alcohol moderation

>11 Points: Unlikely to be able to successfully moderate alcohol use

Your answers are not saved and do not get sent to anyone.

Do I have more than two drinks a day for men/one for women?

Has my alcohol use been increasing?

When I drink do I have a hard time stopping?

Do I have any medical issues?

Am I taking any medication?

Have there been repeated consequences from my alcohol use?

Have I experienced trauma or have a PTSD diagnosis?

Am using alcohol to change my mood?

Has my alcohol use negatively affected my loved ones?

Do I have any mental health concerns?

Do I use any other non-prescribed mood altering substances?

Do I have any legal, probationary, or work issues?

Was I raised in a heavy drinking environment?

Have I had withdrawals from drinking?

Do I have elevated liver enzymes?

Have I experienced blackouts?

Was my first drink before age 15?

Will I review my alcohol use with my support system?

Do I have alcohol-free outlets or hobbies?

Am I willing to go through a period of abstinence?



*All information provided is confidential

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