Telehealth virtual appointments are important for people receiving therapy, struggling with addictions, or needing to follow up with their medical providers in Fairfax, Loudoun, Ashburn, or other areas in northern Virginia. Telemedicine allows clients to remain in treatment and to receive counseling no matter where they are. Telemedicine is convenient, reduces how much time clients have to spend traveling, and even saves money.
Telemedicine is particularly important for those addicted to or recovering from opioids. With opioid use disorders, there is a high risk of overdose and a need for medication-assisted treatment. MAT can be managed well via telehealth, which means there is a potential to increase access to it in remote areas and clients who may otherwise not be able to come into the office.
Through our telehealth program at Insight Into Action Therapy, individuals can get the counseling they need whenever they need it. It is a program giving greater flexibility to individuals and families. Often, when used in conjunction with traditional face-to-face appointments (which are all following the recommended CDC safety guidelines), telehealth can provide a more complete experience. Individuals dealing with anxiety, depression, or trauma can get the support they need, and couples can receive the therapy they want in a secure environment built around their schedule.
What Should You Expect In a Telehealth Appointment?
You will likely meet your provider with a video conference on a HIPAA compliant platform that ensures your privacy. They will send you a link that you should click on at the time of your appointment. You will wait in a virtual waiting room and they will allow you into the session. This safeguards your confidentiality. You will see them, and they will see you. You’re going to have the same kind of appointment, as usual, just using video instead of an in-person meeting.
Your telemedicine provider does meet the requirement for providing clinical services. That means that they can offer most of the same services that you could get in person. For example, some of the issues you may discuss during telemedicine/telehealth calls include:
- Couples counseling
- Parenting support
- Psychological testing
- Substance abuse counseling
- Mental health follow-ups, such as dual-diagnosis counseling or support for anxiety or depression
- Medication questions, refills, and adjustments
Contact Insight Into Action Therapy in Northern Virginia about Telehealth Appointments
At Insight Into Action Therapy, we help clients in Ashburn, Fairfax, Loudoun, and other areas get the support they need with virtual appointments. Whether you need an appointment and can’t drive to get to our treatment center or you’re concerned about COVID-19, we believe that telehealth appointments are an excellent option. Our team is here to help. Call us today by dialing 703.935.8544.