Behavioral addictions are genuine and very hard to overcome on your own. Addiction does not just happen when aProcess Addiction Treatment person depends on substance and withdrawal symptoms from it. Sometimes, they engage in behaviors that negatively affect but continue to do so without the ability to stop. These addictions, also known as process addictions, can change the way a person lives. Process addiction treatment can be very effective at helping to restore your health and wellbeing. At Insight Into Action Therapy, we can help you with this type of treatment.

What Are Process Addictions?

Behavioral addiction is a type of behavior that’s engaged in even though you recognize negative consequences to doing so. It tends to be compulsive and hard to control the need to do this. Often, it may feel good to participate in these types of experiences. Afterward, you feel guilt and remorse for doing so.

Some of the most common behavioral addictions include:

If behavior is harmful or it can become harmful, that is a process addiction that needs treatment.

What Type of Process Addiction Treatment Is Available?

At Insight Into Action Therapy, we offer a comprehensive process addiction treatment program that can help you reclaim your health even if you are struggling to do so. To others, stopping the behavior seems so simple and straightforward. However, for the person with this addiction, it isn’t easy to do so.

You may need to process addiction treatment if the activity you’re engaged in has become risky or dangerous to you somehow. The process of treating this condition often involves learning to recognize what is happening. It also means a type of “detox” needs to happen in which you fight the desire to engage in those activities. If you are using alcohol and drugs as a component of your addiction, that is also addressed.

A treatment plan is created for you. This plan should address what you are struggling with and any underlying potential causes for your addiction. For many people with these addictions, past trauma is a key component of the underlying cause. A treatment plan will address this type of problem and create a path for overcoming it.

In our therapy programs, you are given one-on-one, family, and group therapy support. This combination of therapy and various other therapy tools can help you see a significant improvement in your health and ability to control your actions.

Every treatment plan is tailored to meet your individual needs. That can give you the confidence you need to move forward.

How Can Our Addiction Treatment Help You with Behavioral Addiction?

The best time for you to start on the path towards healing is right now. If you are struggling with a process addiction or are not quite sure what’s happening, reach out to our team as a first step. We’ll provide you with insights and support while getting you back to living the quality of life you desire. All you have to do is contact us. We offer a wide range of addiction treatment options. That includes:

Are You Ready for Help? Call Insight Into Action Therapy

Process addiction is a treatable condition. If you are struggling with this or another type of behavioral addiction, our team can provide you with exceptional help and support. Addiction treatment like this can help you to reclaim your life. You have to take the first step by calling our team at Insight Into Action Therapy at 703.935.8544 or reaching out to us now online.